
Met up with some of my uni mates to go have a sort of "make-up" birthday dinner celebration for 2 of our uni mates cause we were so busy the other time and didn't have chance to properly celebrate with them!

We went to have mookata! For those who didn't know, it's actually thai bbq! 

I didn't had it before though, so it's actually my first time eating it! I think it taste pretty good, different from the usual steamboat bbq that we always had! So if you guys haven't try it before can give it a try!

mookata singapore

It's here! The white thing on top of the bbq steamboat thingy is actually pork lard!

mookata food

The food that we are gonna bbq! It's like a set for $39 or something! Can share with your friends!

eug and stan

Eug and Stan busy bbq-ing! Oh! We had 2 sets though!


The start of it!

I think the surface area of the bbq area is abit too small eh! Or maybe because if the shaped that it is made, we cannot put much food on it to bbq at the same time cause otherwise it will drop down into the soup!

mookata cooking

The soup seems normal at first, but taste very yums towards the end!

I think it's because of all the juices of all the meat that we bbq all flow down into the soup lol! I think the pork lard did helped abit too! But it's really very yummy that we couldn't stop drinking!

anyan elaine typicalben

With Anyan and Elaine!

uni mates group pic after having mookata

Group picture after we are finished with our food!

uni mates group pic

Another one!

uni mates singing ktv

We then went for ktv after that over at Katong area wtf! That's like so east side!


poodle at ktv

This cute little toy poodle!!!!

cute poodle at ktv

Look! It's so cuteeee omg!!
