Meeting with my love, Fingers!

Hello! I'm now actually over at Omni Dental Centre blogging wtf.

Cause later there's an event at 6.30pm and I still got so much time to spare and I don't know what to do also (very lazy to walk around town alone but maybe I later will go see cine got cookie monster ez link sticker anot hahaha), so I thought I must well blog a short entry! How hardworking right lolololol!

Meeting up with bffs the other day! Some pictures!!!!

typicalben camwhore at ice skating seats

Firstly, let's start with a camwhore picture of myself! :x

typicalben ting kx

With Ting and Kx! Love the lighting there! So nice!

jcube ice skating

We are actually sitting over at the seats located above the ice skating ring!

ice skating jcube

Not bad, no one is falling!

hello kitty hanging on bag

Kx's bag, with a Hello Kitty hanging on it! -_- Totally don't match!

typicalben yiting

With Ting before we start to dine!

fingers group picture

Group picture with Fingers!

fingers group picture 2

Kx, Ting, Zj, me and Angie!

fingers group picture 3

Love them to bits!

Hao! I think I'm gonna end it here for now! I shall go cine to see if they still got sell the Cookie Monster Ez-Link sticker anot! Don't judge me hor, tsk!! Okay byeeeeee!!!
