Makeup tutorial for guys (Pictures + Video)!

Hello guys! :D I just came back from Genting last night and I wanted to blog this entry up before I sleep but as usual, I was procrastinating alittle and went to watch X Factor on Youtube lololol! So ended up I was too tired afterwards and went straight to bed without blogging! Was really tired hor!

Anyway!!!!! If you guys didn't or haven't (which I'm judging you now btw) follow me on Twitter or Instagram [user: typicalben] or Facebook yet, you might not know that we have a new video!!!!!

And we received so many sweet and wonderful responses from you guys on how much you people are loving the video, which makes us so happy!!!!! Thank you thank you! :') :') :')

Here's some "exclusive" (yes exclusive lololol) pictures that we took after doing the makeup! And the video again at the bottom of the entry (for those who haven't watch it yet)! Enjoy and I'll blog again very soon!

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typicalben and randy - makeup tutorial for guys 2

Cause I love rolling my eyes like that! Hahahaha!

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Me tryna be a scary (or sexy lololol) kitten HAHAHAHA!!

typicalben and randy - makeup tutorial for guys 4

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