Live while we're young!

Okay, can somebody tell me why the hell am I blogging this much when I'm supposed to be studying and mugging all day long! No eh, I haven't really been mugging much! How ah? I tried, I really tried but when I read like few pages of the textbook then I cannot take it already! Must move around and use my lappy!

I think maybe tomorrow I'll go out to study, at home really cannot concentrate one!

Anyway, met up with Zj and Ting the other day for dinner! Zj accompanied me to go for my dental on the same day as well, before meeting Ting! The pictures will be up soon I guess, see when I'm free to edit them! So happy cause he helped me took alot of pictures over at Omni Dental Centre lolol!

zj ting typicalben mirror reflection 2

With Ting and Zj!

zj ting typicalben mirror reflection

Another one! Using Zj's camera that day!

Recently I've been so lazy to bring my camera out! I don't know why, just feeling lazy to bring out but yet I wanna take pictures! Lololol I know this sounds super no logic and bimbo but still..... Aiya! Conclusion is recently if we are going out together, I'll ask him to bring his camera instead of bringing mine!

wild honey

Went Wild Honey for dinner!

typicalben ting at wild honey

With Ting while waiting for our food!

wild honey breakfast

It's here! All 3 of us had English breakfast this time round!

wild honey american breakfast

Close up! Hahaha! Purposely make you all hungry! :p

typicalben at wild honey

Me before we start eating!

zj typicalben wild honey using phone

And after we finished eating, guess what me and Zj is doing there??!!

We are actually sticking the iPhone sticker which I blogged on the previous entry there! Hahaha yah cause I cannot wait so I wanna stick it immediately on the spot when I bought it! But because the lighting there is pretty dim and dark, I've to use Ting's phone flash light to shine and make it easier for us to stick it!

typicalben using phone at wild honey

Seriously checking whether we got stick properly anot hahaha!

typicalben with 2 phones at wild honey

Yay it's done! Did you notice that we are also charging our phone there as well? Hahaha!

skull bracelet

Wearing my new skull bracelet from Jipaban!

zj typicalben mirror reflection 2

Over at the toilet with Zj!

zj typicalben mirror reflection

I think he's really into the mood to camwhore that day! Taking pictures non-stop!

polo tee from jibapan

And the plaid necktie polo tee that I'm wearing is also from Jipaban as well!

jibapan polo tee

Love the plaid necktie and the buttons, making the polo tee become so cute!

zj at H&m

Went shopping for awhile over at H&M after that too!

typicalben at orchard central

That's all that's all! Gonna go shower now!

Can somebody tell me how to concentrate to study omg?!!!! It's not a good thing if you see any more new entries here man, which means I'm not studying hard enough okay! Now, this is getting really bad....
