Glittery glittery iPhone!

So I've decided to change my phone really soon! And I'm going to give my current iPhone to Ran so that he can use after army when he's back home and during the weekends! As you all might know I'm pretty much a phone accessories freak, I love buying phone covers and accessories to go with it!!! :D

I really cannot stop buying one, every few weeks (or sometime less than that) must change a new cover!

So I initially wanted the cookie monster iPhone cover which I blogged about it previously but ended up never get it at all due to the stupid payment that didn't go through when I purchase it online that time! So I was really lazy to order again and I just say to myself "Aiya forget it lah! Really no fate to own the cover! Don't buy already!". - I really said that to myself and my bffs lolol!

Then while I was shopping in town with Zj the other day, I saw the cookie monster cover!!!!!!

Omgzzzz! I wanted to buy on the spot immediately but Zj stopped me because he tell me that since I'm going to change my phone very soon, he think that it's very useless to buy it since it cost $29 and I only can use for few weeks only PLUS Ran confirm won't use it one lor! So I was thinking, okay can! Don't buy also can, but I just feel like changing the look of my phone still! If not too boring already hahaha!

So I went to buy the iPhone stickers instead ($2 only wtf) and now it currently look like this:

iphone gold and black glitter sticker front

Front! With my usual "googly eyes" home button sticker!

iphone gold and black glitter sticker back

Back! With a chic punk skull sticker!

So total cost is only $2 to change a new look for my phone!!!! Not bad right lol!!!

Gonna use this all the way until I change to my new phone! No, not to iPhone 5! Will update you all again once I gotten my new phone! Oh! I think if you all want to buy the iPhone stickers right, I think cine is the best place to buy as I gotten this from there! Very cheap also! Okay, I go study liao! Byebye!
