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Genting Trip - To Snow World!!!

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Yay!!! To the Snow World..... to the Snow World over at Genting!!!!! :D

So few weeks back, I went over to Genting for a short 2D1N trip (with the Nuffnang peeps!) during the weekends and I must tell you that it was really fun! I know right, to many of us when we heard about people going to Genting, the first instant and the most common thought that we will come across our mind is that........ "Oh! They are going there for the Themepark or Casino!". Am I right????

I think that's a misconception that many of us had! And I don't deny that I used to think this way last time too as well! Heheh! :x But that's because I think many of us didn't know and explore Genting well enough, cause there's actually more to Genting that you ever know! There are many restaurants with nice yummy food over at Genting and fun places to go to other than Themepark or the Casino!

And for this trip right, other than going to eat all the yummy food over at some restaurant (which I previously didn't even know it existed), we also went to the newly revamped Snow World!!!!

So excited and can't wait to share with you all the pictures!!! Let's go!!!!!! “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”

typicalben camwhore in coach

Let's start off the first picture with my camwhoring pic!
Me in the coach on the way to Genting!

Maybe if you really want me to complain right, I mean say real one... I usually can't stand (or can say pretty hate) the long hours on the coach cause I think it's quite torturing eh lolololol!

But you know what!!!!!! I finally found a very effective way to solve it already!!!!

Which is...... to not sleep a wink at all the night before then straight go to take the coach to Genting!!!!

Cause for this trip I didn't sleep the night before as I went to attend my friend's birthday party and then when I came home I have to pack for the trip (although it's just 2D1N and there should be nothing much to pack) but by the time I finish packing it's already time to head over to Golden Mile to meet up with everyone else to take the coach already! So I was really madly tired and I literally just slept throughout the whole journey there! No wonder it seems pretty fast this time round to reach Genting eh lol!

Not bad not bad, gonna do it next time when I go Genting again! Hahahaha!

typicalben melissa genting

Reached Genting!! With Melissa and we are going to have our lunch!!

hao you ji resturant at genting

And we are brought to this 'Good Friends Restaurant' for our lunch!

hao you ji genting resturant menu

Never been to this restaurant before! Have you guys?

And I was so hungry from the long bus ride, that I can't wait for the food! And when the food came.......

hao you ji resturant food

It's all very yummy! I'm so contented lololol! :D

I love the chicken herbal soup that was being served to us first, it's so nice to have a nice warm chicken herbal soup after a long bus journey lor and in a chilly weather over there! The fuzzy feeling so nice lol!

typicalben randy genting

With my bro Ran who is sitting beside me and also went on the trip as well!

hao you ji resturant food 2

Dessert! Love the honeydew sago with icecream! My favourite!

Then after we had our lunch, we went back to First World Hotel to prepare to check in to our room!

Can't wait cause I was still feeling alittle tired and I'm thinking about resting on the comfy bed for awhile before heading out again hahahaha!! And plus I feel like taking a shower to freshen myself up as well!

typicalben first world hotel reception

Here's me trying to do a natural candid shot over at the reception desk hahaha!

And when we gotten our room key, it was over at the 28 floor and I was like telling Ran, "Wah so high ah! Usually the room we stayed in also not that high one!" and when we open the room door right.....

genting first world hotel room bed

Then we know that it's a World Club Room!

genting first world hotel room

It's pretty spacious! With a sofa in there too!

genting first world hotel room toilet

The toilet! There's a bathtub even woohoooo!

genting first world hotel room big

What a spacious room right! Can dance and jump around somemore hahahaha!

And seeing such a comfy room, we immediately unpack some of our stuff and went to have a quick shower to freshen ourselves up! Then after that both of us were lying on the bed and watching tv thinking that we should just relax and chill for awhile first..... and GUESS WHAT.........

Yes!!!!! Both of us actually fell asleep all the way till dinner time hahahaha!!!

Omg we got so tired anot!! I think is have lah! Hahahaha! So we then quickly went to change and head down to the lobby to meet the rest for dinner!!! But before that, must camwhore abit first!

typicalben hair genting

Love my fluff fluff fluffy hair!

typicalben bed genting

That's Ran's bed! Mine is over at the other side!

typicalben randy in genting first world hotel room

With Ran in our room before heading down for dinner!

ming ren resturant genting

And then, we are over at Ming Ren Restaurant for our dinner! Yay!

Lol you see the service staff there welcomes me with such a wide smile! I think she must be liking me very much hahahaha! :p Anyway, it's a Chinese restaurant as you can pretty much see from the setting!

ming ren resturant menu genting

The menu!

typicalben gabby at genting

With Gabby who is sitting next to me this time round!
I like this picture so much cause I think we both look quite good eh right!

typicalben sophie at genting resturant

And on my other side is the pretty Sophie!

typicalben sophie melissa randy at genting resturant

Group shot with Sophie, Melissa and Ran while waiting for the food to be served!

ming ren resturant food

And the food is hereeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Yums yums yums! I think if have to choose right (lol even though nobody is asking me to hahaha) I love the wasabi prawn and the baked mackerel fish the most! They also have like 2 lamb dishes in there too and I was told that they are famous for their lamb dishes! So I also did tried alittle of it!

typicalben drinking soup at genting

Took a picture of myself drinking the boiled papaya and yam soup!

ming ren resturant dessert

And time for the dessert!!!!!

lamb ice cream

It's Almond and Pistachio Ice Cream with lamb inside! What is this lol!

We heard it's their specialty and it's really special (when we heard that there's lamb inside) so all of us gave it a try but I don't think everyone like the taste of it though! Hahaha! And after dinner, when we walked out we saw this stretch of wall beside the restaurant with loads of bird cage hanging on it!

genting birdcages

So cute right! Yah, and we are so gotta take pictures with it!!!

typicalben sophie melissa randy at genting

With Sophie, Melissa and Ran!

typicalben sophie melissa randy jayne gabby at genting

And another one with our blog managers, Jayne and Gabby!

genting lighting

The 6 of us then went to walk around afterwards, and we went to the Casino as well!

typicalben with snail at genting

Me with a random lighted up snail display over there lol! I think it's for the mid-autumn festival!

We walked around till about 12am/1am? I couldn't remember hahaha! Then we all head back to our hotel room cause tomorrow we gotta wake up early to go to Snow World! The highlight of this trip!

typicalben before bed

Back to our hotel room! Wash up and sleep!





typicalben camwhore genting

Morning!!!!! Woke up too late for breakfast (actually we already intended to skip it lolol but hopefully next time got chance to eat it ah!) and down over at the lobby waiting to go to Snow World with everyone!

And can you believe that we are actually early????!!!! *flips hair*

typicalben selca genting

While waiting for the rest! And look at my eye bags T_T quite bad lol!

snow world genting

And here we are!!!! Over at Snow World!!!!!

snow world genting entrance

The entrance of Snow World!

And omg did I see -8°C over at the cashier counter area!!!! What!!!!! I didn't saw it that day, not until now when I'm blogging about this!! No wonder it's so so so so freaking cold!!!!!!! Brrrrr~~~

snow world genting jacket

The jackets that they provide for everyone! Ladies, mens and even children!

snow world genting gloves

The gloves area!!! There are sizes too!!!

typicalben wearing snow world jacket genting

Yay and here I am all suit up in the jacket they provide hehe!

typicalben sophie outside snow world genting

With Sophie who is also done with wearing the jacket!

typicalben sophie randy melissa snow world genting

Hello!!! We are all ready for Snow World!!!!!

melissa typicalben snow world genting

This Melissa abit too much ah bring earmuffs somemore lolol!

But after going in right, I then realise she is right to bring earmuffs cause it's so cold inside that our ears are kinda 'frozen' hahaha! So next time if you all go, can bring earmuffs, scarfs and all!

And another advice is to change to the boots provided there too!! I didn't change to the boots because the personnel there tell me I don't have to if I'm wearing sneaker but to my horror my this sneaker the sole is super thin, so my both feet is like freezing inside! So unless your shoes sole is thick enough (like ran's cause he's wearing dr marts) then you better change to the boots provided! Lol I'm like giving tips wtf.

typicalben sophie snow world genting

Last picture with Sophie before going in!
And why suddenly she like taller than me! Ahhhhh it's the boots lah! Hahaha!

typicalben going into snow world genting

Going in going in!!! So excited!!!

before going into snow world genting

One last picture I took with my camera while I'm going in!!!!

inside snow world genting

And.... here we are!!! In the Snow World!!!!!

typicalben over at snow world genting

Omg check out the smoke/mist coming out from my mouth!! Can see anot??!

typicalben inside snow world genting

It's really really really cold, and you will feel like as if you are really over at a cold country!!

typicalben at snow world genting

Yay so happy it's snowing!!!! I feel like a penguin~~~ HAHAHAHA!

We then gathered to play games, so I've to lead a group and compete with other teams led by other bloggers! I'm so happy that the people in my group are so spontaneous and so fun loving!

typicalben at snow world genting playing games

Game started! Asking this small little boy to give us a kiss (one of the mission)!

But sadly, he rejected us!!!! :( Why he don't wanna kiss me! Even when I ask him to fake fake kiss me, he also don't want eh! So sad lolol! Then the girls in my group went around and find this little cute kid....

typicalben at snow world kiss by baby lol

And he gave me a kiss my cheek! So cute right!

typicalben snow world genting group

The girls in my group! All of them are so friendly and cute! Love it! ;)

typicalben in snow world genting

One last picture of me over at Snow World before leaving!! Omg it's really fun!!

Then afterwards it's prize giving to the teams that won! But sadly my group didn't win any of the challenge at all hahahaha!!!! But it's okay lah, most importantly is we had fun in there! No not an excuse hor!

food before leaving genting

Last meal over at Genting before heading back home to Singapore!

typicalben genting coach

And me on the coach going back to Singapore!

Yay!! It's really a fun trip (though abit short) with Ran, the rest of the bloggers (Sophie, Melissa), our both managers (Jayne and Gabby) and not forgetting everyone that went with us together on this trip!

Everyone is so fun loving, friendly and nice!! :D :D :D

Thanks RWS Genting for having us, it's a fun and wonderful trip!! And guess what!! I already can't wait to explore Genting again in the future and share with you guys the places that we usually didn't go before over there so more of you people will know and can have more fun over at Genting!! Till then!!! X
