Subway Beef Pastrami!!!

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How many of you here love Subway??!!! For me, I super love!!!!

Really!!! I still remember there's a period of time where I love it so much that I had Subway (either for lunch or dinner) for almost everyday! And my all time favourite sub is none other than 'Subway Melt', where I'll always add extra cheese and bacon! Oh, and sometimes egg mayo as well! Hahahaha!

Then my whole sub will be overfilled with goodness lol!!! Super yummy omg!! :D

Well, but today it's not so much about my 'Subway Melt'! Instead from the title above, you know it's the Subway Beef Pastrami!!! Yes, Subway Singapore is bringing back...... Beef Pastrami Sub!!! Yay!!!!

beef pastrami subway banner

Beef Pastrami Sub that is back for a limited time only!!!

typicalben going to subway

So of course we have to go to Subway and try it out!!!!

subway outlet

And everytime I step into Subway, the jingle 'Subway Eat Fresh' will sing in my mind lol!

subway outlet 6

Their signature decor in all of their outlets!

typicalben at subway camwhore

Okay!!! Let's start ordering now!!!! *excited*

beef pastrami subway signboard

Yes, one 6" Beef Pastrami sub please!!!

typicalben ordering subway

I always love to see how they prepare the sandwiches! Hahaha!

You know for the choice of bread, I'll always choose Honey Oat but this time round I'm having Hearty Italian instead! Spoilt for choices lor, cause there's like a variety of gourmet bread to choose from!

subway outlet 3

subway outlet 2

Sandwich artist: "Toasted with cheese?" Me: "Yes of course!!!!"

subway outlet 5

And to the veggies part, I'll usually have all the veggies cause I love veggies!!!

This is why Subway is awesome (or awesomer cause they are already awesome) cause you can choose what you want or don't want! It's like basically creating your very own sandwich! I know of some friends who don't really love veggies that much (unlike me), but they still eat Subway cause they can actually choose the veggies that they want inside their sandwich! Whatever you want or don't want, you decide!!!

typicalben ordering subway 2

And one last step to go!!!

subway outlet 4

The sauce!!! I usually will have Honey Mustard, Mayonnaise and Mustard!


And it's done and nicely wrapped up!!!!!

typicalben subway 1

Here you have it, on my hand is the Subway Beef Pastrami sub!!!

beef pastrami subway

A closer look at my Beef Pastrami sub! It looks super yummy please!!!

typicalben subway 2

Woooooooo!!!!! I'm going to try it now!!!

typicalben subway 3

Getting a bite from it!

typicalben subway 4


typicalben subway 5

LOVE IT!!!!!! HEH!!

beef pastrami subway 2

It's soooo succulent, overflowing with goodness!!

And you people should really go give it a try cause it taste really good!! Furthermore it's only back for a limited time only (till 31st August), so if you don't try it by then it will be gone! :(

typicalben with subway crew

Picture with the sandwich artist before leaving!




typicalben subway beef pastrami poster

Have you got your Beef Pastrami on your mind? I do! ;)

And for more details & updates about Beef Pastrami or Subway itself......
you can check out their Page here!
