Mummy's birthday celebration 2012!

Back to update again!!! I haven't been taking any pictures at all lately, not that I've been busy but I just simply don't feel like taking any at all.... (prolly is also due to me not wearing contact lenses as well, gotten eye infection on my right eye! shall blog about it another time!). I actually miss camwhoring lolol!

Anyway, had a simple birthday celebration this year for mummy! Me and ran brought her for international buffet dinner over at Straits Cafe (Rendezvous Grand Hotel) as she has craving for it since ever!

hotel rendezvous

typicalben randyys hotel rendezvous

We reached early! So we camwhore abit first!

typicalben randyys hotel rendezvous 2

With bro! Cannot stand his huge eyes, wear what contact lens! >:( Hahaha!

hotel rendezvous 2

typicalben hair hotel

My fluffy hair! Now my hair colour faded again already, not this colour anymore!

typicalben at hotel rendezvous

Top from Uniqlo! And I'm still loving my shoes!

Straits Cafe buffet @ Rendezvous hotel 4

Dinner timeeeeee~!

Straits Cafe buffet @ Rendezvous hotel

Straits Cafe buffet @ Rendezvous hotel 3

typicalben ran buffet 2

With Ran again!

typicalben ran buffet

Me: "Smell my breath!" - Ran: "Em.... okay"

fresh oysters - Straits Cafe buffet @ Rendezvous hotel

Fresh oysters!!! I love oysters!!!

randyys with mussels shell

Ran, the one-eyed mussels shell monster!

typicalben with mussels shell

Hahaha!!! Me playing with it too!!

prawns ran peel

Guess who peeled all the prawns for us?! It's Ran!!!

Straits Cafe buffet @ Rendezvous hotel 2

Desserts and pastries!

daddy buffet


macaroons - Straits Cafe buffet @ Rendezvous hotel


Straits Cafe buffet @ Rendezvous hotel 5

mummy and daddy at straits cafe

Daddy and mummy!!!

typicalben family picture at straits cafe 2

Family picture!! :D

typicalben family picture at straits cafe

Another one! Love both the pictures!!

mummy birthday at straits cafe

Glad she's happy, it's all that matters! ;) Happy birthday lao aunty!! Hahaha!!
