Going back to black!

As you guys know, my hair colour now is back to black due to my ICT weeks back! I seriously super miss my fluffy coloured hair! :( But surprisingly all my friends and many of you people are all singing praises about my black hair, saying I look much better in black than my coloured hair! Serious or what!

But even so, I'm still gonna dye my hair to colour very soon! I don't care!!!!! :p

typicalben on cab to salon

On the cab going to Action Hair Salon to have my haircut and dye it black!

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See! I super miss my previous hair! No need to style also can be so chio one lol!

action hair salon paragon

The place where I'll be doing my hair from now on, Action Hair Salon @ Paragon!!!

Feel so glad and happy to know that they will be taking care of my hair from now on, cause apart from being professional.... they are also super nice and friendly! My experience with them was so far so good! Cause before this right, I actually gotten a little trim previously as well! They will just keep checking on me to make sure I'm okay! Why they so sweet one, I feel super loved lololol!!!!

typicalben camwhore at action hair salon 1

While waiting for the stylist to do my hair....

typicalben camwhore at action hair salon 2

.... I did a few shots of mirror camwhore.....

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magazine and drinks action hair salon

typicalben having hair cut at action hair salon

Okay, gonna start cutting already! Bye fluffy hair! :'(

typicalben hair cut at action hair salon

Halfway through the haircut!

typicalben camwhore while cutting hair

Still not there yet, going even shorter!!!!

typicalben dyeing black hair

Then after that is dyeing my hair to black!

My stylist uses semi permanent dye for me this time round, cause I told him I understand that if I dye my hair black right, next time if I wanna colour my hair, it will be very hard to get the colour. So he say he will use semi permanent dye which the colour will slowly fade away over the days as I wash it.

But of course it won't fade until it becomes brown lah, so I still need to go for a dye! It just faded alittle at some parts of my hair, you guys can see from the pictures below later which I took recently!

Pictures that I took using my phone after the haircut and dye:

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Yes, some of you might have seen it before on Instagram already!

typicalben instagram pics

Another one!

And below are the pictures that I took recently (3 weeks after the haircut and dye)! You can see that some parts of my hair colour already faded away! Yay lol! Check them outttttttttttttttt..........

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I think my hair also grow longer too! :D

typicalben black waxed style hair

My current black hair can be awesomezxzxzx toooo!

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Close up shot!

typicalben black style hair

That's all from me for now! Thank you Action Hair Salon for the wonderful service!

I'll go visit you guys again soon to colour my hair! Hahaha! And if you guys wanna do your hair or is interested, you could just drop by the salon (it's only at Paragon) or can give them a call! :D

Action Hair Salon
Paragon Shopping Centre #05-08
Phone: 6732 1003
