Being Captain America for the day!

Went for photoshoot the other day, and I'm being dressed up as Captain America!!!

typicalben captain america

Changing into the costume!

typicalben camwhore with captain america costume

Done with the makeup and hair!

typicalben camwhore with captain america costume 2

The makeup they did was super thick that day, and they contour my nose until it's so sharp wtf.

captain america costume

I finally got boobs! Hehehe! Wanna squeeze not? :p

typicalben captain america photoshoot 3

Starting to shoot!

typicalben captain america photoshoot 5

typicalben captain america photoshoot 2

With the shield!

typicalben captain america photoshoot 1

Checking the pictures taken!

typicalben camwhore with captain america costume 3

One last camwhore shot of myself as Captain America! Heh bye!
