Run run running ben!

I went for a run last night and after that I had such a good sleep!

I think I'm going to run again today, or actually I'm going to (try) run everyday for this whole of June!

The reason is because I'm going to go back for my ICT (aka reservist) during the last week of June for 2 weeks! :/ Gonna say bye to my hair and welcome a neater short black hair soon! But hair is fine to me though, not much of a big deal, I'm just more worried about outfield and IPPT only!

So that's why I'm trying to exercise abit now before heading back. CANNOT BE LAZY!

typicalben side view

Went to meet up with Amelia after super long!

crystal jade steamboat

And we went to have steamboat again! -_-

Cause like for almost everytime I meet her, we will go to have steamboat! Haha!

amelia steamboat

Amelia while she's eating! And she's the one who asked me to take it!

crystal jade steamboat 2

Steamboat over at crystal jade, so-so only I think! Don't have alot of variety!

typicalben side view 2

Didn't took much pictures that day, here's another one of my side view!

jipaban checked top

Wearing this top from Jipaban! You can get it here!
There's another one here too, in different colour and design!

group therapy cafe

Catching up with Esther & Isaac again over at Group Therapy Cafe!

interior designs

typicalben isaac esther

Yeah! The 3 of us!

chili crab pie

Me and Isaac had this chili crab pie!

fillings inside chili crab

The chili crab fillings inside! I think it taste so-so only as well lol!

our bags

Our bags!


Invisalign really move my teeth!!!!

AND IT REALLY DOES!!!!!!!!!!! :D

As you all know, I'm already halfway through my invisalign treatment with Omni Dentre Centre and today I'm gonna show you guys the improvement of my teeth since the very start and now, the current state of it! Though it's still not done yet, but I'm sure you guys can see the difference one!

Okay, so this is the picture of my teeth when I first started to wear the invisalign....

typicalben teeth 1st set of invisalign

When I'm on the 1st set of my invisalign.

In any case for those who are wondering, the little white bumps on some of my teeth are called the attachments, which will help to hold on to the aligners when I put it on.

And and and, here we have........

typicalben teeth 15th set of invisalign

The current state of my teeth, on the 15th set of invisalign.

You all can see the difference right!!!! Especially my front tooth, it's not that crooked and protruding anymore! And also my bottom row of teeth are slowly moving in to the position too!!! Super happy!!!!!!

Here's another picture of my current teeth without the invisalign aligners:

teeth 15th set`

And the reason why I love invisalign, cause it's so comfortable! There's no wires or metal brackets involves unlike traditional braces! Where sometimes traditional braces will cause ulcers or you can't really eat food that is too hard, as there might be a risk that the brackets will break....

With invisalign right, we can eat basically anything! Plus can brush and floss easily as well!

Here's the comparison picture of my teeth from the start and current state:

typicalben  invisalign teeth  updates

It's slowly moving into position and I super can't wait for it to complete!

And soon enough, really soon enough...... I'll have straight beautiful teeth!!!! YAY!!!! *excited*

Anyway, I just went for my regular visit few days back and I always feel very happy whenever I visit them cause their staff, especially the nurses there, are so friendly and nice!! I really like them you know, they always put a smile on their face and I always make small talks with them cause they're so friendly!

Hahaha! Not only that, I now then realise they have a iMac for all the patients to use!!

omni dental centre imac

I went to took a picture of it cause I wanna show you guys! Hahaha!

I haven't really get to use before though cause I didn't know it existed -_-, maybe I should go use it on the next visit! And I was also told that they have free wifi connection around the dental centre too!

Other than that, they also have gourmet coffee, fruit juices (without sugar), magazines and a tv there as well! So you won't feel bored while waiting for your turn! I'll take pictures next time!

Anyway, if you guys interested in invisalign treatment or even other treatments can give them a call at 6737 7375! As they are a specialist dental clinic with all the specialists under one roof, you guys can get dental care from different specialist all over there without the need to be referred out to other clinics!

Also y'all can visit their website for more details too! ;)


Omg my results will be out tomorrow!

To be frank I'm quite nervous wtf.

You know for my previous semester, the day when the results is out.... I woke up to texts and calls from my uni friends asking me to check as they have all already done so! What?!! Which that makes me even more nervous, I don't know why! And I was shivering when I was checking my results lor! :/

I guess tomorrow will be the same as well, cause recently I only sleep at around 5-6am! So unless the results is out by then (which I highly doubt so, but I think I'll still check heheh), if not I'll check later in the afternoon when I'm awake! Okay omg, I need to stop talking about it.

Was out with Esther and Isaac the other day and suddenly Tat called and asked me whether if I wanna meet few of them for supper! Omg of course I said yes!!! It's been so long since I see my Airforce mates!!

They then came over to fetch me afterwards, and we went to Chinatown for supper!

chinatown food places 2

We went to this place that I've never been before, but Tat did and he say it's good!

chinatown food places

The menu! And we ordered some bbq food at first, since we are not really that hungry!

Cause some of us just had dinner right before only, including myself! I think Tat is the only one who is hungry cause he didn't had his dinner lol. But since we are there already, we must try right hahah!

And this Chan Seng ask me to (must) post up this series of picture of him, so here you go....

chanseng tat 1

Posing for picture!

chanseng tat 2

Still posing for picture and trying to be cute, while the aunty caught him in act lol!

chanseng tat 3

Then both of them burst into laughter, abit siao one them -_-!

typicalben chanseng tat

Me, Chan Seng and Tat!

chinatown bbq food

The random bbq food they ordered! Quite nice but very salty!

chanseng tat kenny typicalben

Group picture taken by the aunty there using Tat's phone! Kenny is behind me!

And apparently I don't know why I didn't use my camera to take the picture...

chanseng tat kenny typicalben funny faces

Using the front facing camera!!

chinatown food

In the end we ordered more food, cause the bbq turns out to be so little and we didn't had enough!

After that, we drive to see HUGE landed houses again!!! Not those normal landed kind!!

The previous time when I supper with them we also went to see, cause Chan Seng drives and they know where is it! It's so pretty and fucking huge! Some got huge fountain and huge gates, very drama kind!!!

huge house wtf

But it's already dark so this is the only picture that I managed to take, which doesn't do justice to it!

crystal jade chicken

You must be thinking why a picture of a plate of chicken right?!!!

Cause it's very cheap lol! Me and my uni mates were dining over at Crystal Jade and the waitress said they were having promotion and asked if I wanna have 三杯鸡 ("Three-Cup Chicken") which cost only $8.80!

So I said okay cause I thought it's gonna be a small portion, and since it's $8.80 it should be for one pax! So the rest of them ordered their food as well... but end up they give me one whole chicken wtf!!!!!!

Why is it so cheap ah??!! We were so shocked when this whole plate of chicken came! HAHAH!

typicalben eug birthday party

Over at Eug's (uni mate) birthday party, and this is the only picture that I'm gonna post
cause the rest of the pictures are either all blur or ugly!

my blue socks

Okay, maybe 2 pictures! Here's another one of my socks & I'm stepping on Ger's leg lol!!


Finally bought my cookie monster phone cover!

Muhahahaha!!! I'm so happy cause I just bought the cookie monster iPhone cover which I've been searching around for the longest time ever, over at their sesame street official website!

I suddenly feel I'm abit stupid, cause I should have gotten it online long ago so I can save the hassle of me going around to different malls looking for it! -_- I actually got try to find online previously, but I only came across websites which sell it at like a very ridiculous high price! So I thought it would be better off to get it over at the physical store instead, don't need to wait for it to ship and it's also much cheaper!

But the thing is I couldn't find it anywhere anymore afterwards!

I think it's a very last year thing, cause the first time I saw it was last year over at Funan Courts but I was still using bb that time so I didn't buy! But recently while I was looking around for it, I still see some shops having elmo one but not cookie monster! I THOUGHT EVERYONE LIKE ELMO MORE?!!!!

Why everyone go buy up cookie monster???!! Lol!!!

But I should have known of their official website earlier, if not I'll be using it now already! And I not only bought the phone cover, I also bought a cookie monster water bottle as well!!! Wooohooooo!!!!

It's gonna ship to me in 24 days though, which is super long!! And I reckon it will take longer than that cause everytime they will delay one!!! I'll take pictures and show you guys when it arrives k!

Anyway, I think I'm going to stay at home for the whole of this week cause I'm so tired, so so tired.

I think it's the aftermath of going out every single day for last week lor! Thinking of going to town now makes me wanna vomit even, getting so sick of it. K pictures time! Met up with Jingjing and we went Bugis to shop, but end up I never buy anything at all cause I see nothing that I like! Booo~

typicalben korean bbq

We went to have Korean BBQ for dinner after shopping!

korean bbq

Their kimchi is super spicy so we only have 2 plates of it!

Cause usually I'll eat alot of their kimchi cause I like kimchi alot heheh!! Plus all these korean bbq right, it's all free flow one what so why not right! But this time round their kimchi too spicy already! :/

korean bbq 2


jing jing korean bbq

Here's JJ while she bbq! If you notice, my phone (left) also got her picture wtf. HAHA!

korean bbq 3

Lol! 2 prawns, 2 mussels and 2 sausages!

We find it super funny, cause we didn't know it's by pieces and not ordered by portions, like how those meats are being ordered! So when it came, we were like...... err... okay..... HAHAHAHAHA!

jipaban grey tee

Wearing this cute tee from Jipaban and it's only $10.50!!!!

Super cheap right cause it's on sales! You guys can go get it too, I'll give y'all the link... they have 3 colours but the grey one is oos already! But they still have the one in white and the red one though!

typicalben lindy brandy

Met up with lindy and brandy last week as well! It's been so long!

squid ink pizza

First time trying squid ink pizza, cause I'm not really a fan of squid ink!

sides food

Side dishes that we ordered as well!

typicalben pizza

That's all for today! I'm going to go change and record video with ran now! Bye! :D


Singapore Blog Awards 2012 IS BACK!!!

Omg yay! So Singapore Blog Awards is back again this year!!!!

And I'm super glad and happy that this year... I am being nominated (or actually it's my blog lol) as one of the finalists for Best Lifestyle Blog!! Which my blog fits perfectly into this catergory please! Hahaha!

Some of you guys might remember that I was nominated last year too but in a different category - Best Individual Blog! But sadly, we didn't managed to win last year with all of you guys voting so hard for it cause the breakdown is (judges 70%, online votes 30%)! But don't worry okay, I'm sure we will do it this year! WE WILL WIN ONE! HAHAHA! *yes yes must have positive thoughts right* :D

old photo taken by phone typicalben collage

Random insertion of camwhore picture that I wanted to upload on Instagram initially lol!

And apparently, I've do up this blog post and answer some questions given by them! Here we go! :)

How do you feel about being one of finalists in Singapore Blog Awards 2012?

As mention earlier, I'm super glad and happy! But now I wanna add in another one, which is thankful! I'm so thankful that people actually nominated me and thankful that I'm one of the finalists!

When did you start blogging and what drew you to it? Where do you get inspiration for your blog content?

I started blogging super long back during 2004-2005, and I just purely wanted to record down all the awesome memories for me to look back in the future! Seems like I'm doing it right cause I've been reading all my past entries and it really brings back alot of good old memories!

How do you feel about the other Finalists in your category this year? How do you think you will fare compared to them?

I'm sure every finalists got our own strong points, so I wish everyone the best! And of course, I hope I'll do better this year cause I don't wanna let those who made the effort to vote for me down!

Give a reason why readers should visit your blog and vote for you?

If I only can give one reason, it's very simple: CAUSE I LOVE MY READERS ALOT!!!!!!!!

So I know you guys will vote for me and we are gonna win this together!!!!!! Hahahaha! And if I win, I'll see what I can giveback to you guys too okay? But for those who still think that reason is still not good enough, you guys can also stand to win casio watch, movie tickets and pizza vouchers by just voting as well! Also, apart from all that I'll continue to update my blog as usual k! I'll try not to be lazy! Heheh!

That's all from me for now! Do hop over and drop me a vote if you can! :)

You guys can vote once everyday until 30th June, and there's a need to create an account to vote as well! I know it's quite troublesome, but I'm sure we can fully maximise our 30% of the online votes right?

typicalben singapore blog awards finalist

p/s: Not forgetting! BenRanAway is also being nominated in Best V-Log as well! YAY! So you guys can actually also vote for BenRanAway too after voting for me! Thank you people! :)


Me and my galaxy top.

typicalben camwhore

Photo of the day!

typicalben galaxy top

Heading out and I'm wearing this galaxy top that I bought from Batam 2 years back!

angie typicalben ting

With Angie and Ting! Kx is helping us to take the picture!

typicalben pedicure

Went to do my first ever classic pedicure!

I decided to go do because my toe nails is in horrible state! :(

I think people can actually go do their nails when their nails is in really bad state cause after doing afew times your nails will look better and nicer then you can afterwards cut yourself already! You know last time my fingernails is super hideous one (I tweet a picture of it before) but after doing manicure for afew times, they help me to fix the shape of my nails and now it's looks so much better! 

I haven't tried doing classic pedicure (or even manicure) previously before this cause I always thought that there isn't a need to (I'll only do express), so this is my first time doing classic for pedicure and it's only until when I see the person doing it for me, I then realise it's really quite dirty lol! 

The person also abit drama one cause at one point of time, she stopped and wipe of her sweat which makes it seems like my toe nails are too dirty already and it's a very tiring for her! But no hor, it's not really that dirty at all please cause I always got cut one what! I think she trying to yan xi (acting?) with me only! Hahaha! I know cause I also always like to yan xi one, so I know she real or acting only! Hahaha! 

But there's one thing I really don't understand is that, why some nail parlour they want to charge extra money (around $5-$10) on top of the stated price for guys only? Not all lah but some of them.

Why ah??! Is it because guys nails is bigger or what? :/

dim sum

We went to have dim sum afterwards! Love Chinese cuisine! 

typicalben cam whore

Alright, shall end it off with another of my camwhore picture! :D



Omg! This week will be really busy cause I'll be meeting my friends for every single day for the whole week. Lol I know right, meeting friends is considered as busy to me (tiring also cause need to travel) as I love staying at home one! Don't know why I plan this week schedule to be so packed also, mad.

And you know last Friday right, suddenly my right chest keep having this super sharp pain when I cough or sneeze or when I bring myself up (when I'm lying down) or when I bend down. The pain is super painful and is those kind of piercing pain, which makes me quite worried cause I scared it's some kind of illness or what. So I quickly went to see my family doctor and end up he said it's nothing much.

He say it's due to my veins or nerves or something like that, which isn't a big issue. -_-

He then ask me to take medicine and rest can already. AND I TELL YOU the meds is like super strong kind which puts me to sleep everytime I take it, which I really hate that feeling! I feel so lethargic and I think the meds only serve as a painkiller so it doesn't really cure at all, just temporary only.

So after taking the medication for like 2 days, I stopped cause it doesn't work as the pain will come back again when I didn't take it, so I confirm it is painkiller. And I went to shifu (師父/master) there to find him to help me to massage. Okay, I know I didn't mention this before but I'm really thankful for him and without him I think my body will be so screwed and with all sorts of shitty problem and sickness lor.

I've been going there for massage since poly days until now, where I'll go when I'm free! Or I can say whenever there's something happen to my body, then I'll go find him lol.

Like most common shit I get is my shoulder or neck in pain/sprain etc, and also I remember got one time my leg got sharp pain when I run also, where I cannot even rotate my feet at all. Plus all sorts of random problems which I couldn't really remember now. So shifu, which is what everyone call him, is really a super nice person to me lah and he helps people to massage. But his massage is not those typical massage like relaxing type, but those super super painful kind. I think the pain is really quite unbearable sometimes eh and I always hear people screaming one, but it cures so I think that's the reason why people still go.

So yes, back to what I said earlier...

I went to him on Monday and he helped me to massage and the pain is gone after that wtf. I was so happy and thankful and I told him I was very scared previously about it cause I thought it's some illness or something cause apparently the doctor say I'll have to go for x-ray if the pain persist after medication.

And the point about writing all this down is cause I really wanna thank him!!!! I really feel very thankful that he actually sort of help me ease all the pain and problem with my body for so many years already! Since poly days you know, I think got around 5 years already? Not only me but daddy, ran and mummy (last time) also go to him one! THANK YOU SHIFU, SUPER LOVE YOU! :')

Anyway, I've edited some pictures!!!!

typicalben orange cushion studio m hotel

Guess where am I? Heh!

The other time during my exams study break period, I studied over at studio m hotel and ended up it was pretty efficient. I was studying my marketing, buyer behaviour module and it's really crazy cause there's so much that are needed to memorise and all. But I didn't memorise much in the end, cause I just read through which I kinda regretted cause come out alot of definition kind of questions in mcq.

Results will be out soon also, scary! :/

typicalben with orange cushion studio m hotel

Another camwhore of me 'pretending that I'm not the one who took this pic' lol (similar to above).

studio m hotel

Since I'm first time there so I took a few pictures of the room.

studio m hotel view

On the left.

studio m hotel view 2

On the right.

typicalben mirror reflection studio m hotel

Mirror reflection!

studio m hotel view 3

Yes, you can see my textbook right!

studio m hotel view 4

Stairs to the bed.

studio m hotel view 5

And I was standing on the study desk to take this picture hahaha!

please mind your head lol

typicalben hair studio m hotel

My natural hair without waxing it!

room service food

Ordered room service for the night and the food is really bad.

The chicken is cold and it taste pretty much like shit. Cup noodles taste 10000 times better!

cute strawberry milk bottle

Bought a bottle of this strawberry milk from 7-11 which taste like shit also.

pretz biscuit

Love pretz!

typicalben studio m hotel

Before checking out the hotel!

And yes, I keep wearing this grey pullover recently cause it's so comfy (just wore it yesterday too)! Super great buy lor cause I gotten it from F21 Men's during sales and it only cost less than $15 bucks! I think it's around $10-$15, I couldn't remember! And the important thing is that most of their Men's stuff are not very nice one, so it's considered one of the better one there already!

And I tried to take pretty shot of me before checking out with timer! Here I present you....

typicalben black and white window shot

typicalben black and white window shot 2

Another one! But I think the first one nicer, got more feel right! Hahaha!

Oh yah! This year mother's day, me and ran bought for mummy her favourite Khalil Fong concert tickets over at Genting and she will be going it with daddy! She is super happy about it cause she really like him, like how I like Stefanie Sun and how ran like SNSD. Hahahaha!

khalil fong genting concert tickets

The picture she took and posted on her Facebook! Glad she's happy! :)
