Run run running ben!

I went for a run last night and after that I had such a good sleep!

I think I'm going to run again today, or actually I'm going to (try) run everyday for this whole of June!

The reason is because I'm going to go back for my ICT (aka reservist) during the last week of June for 2 weeks! :/ Gonna say bye to my hair and welcome a neater short black hair soon! But hair is fine to me though, not much of a big deal, I'm just more worried about outfield and IPPT only!

So that's why I'm trying to exercise abit now before heading back. CANNOT BE LAZY!

typicalben side view

Went to meet up with Amelia after super long!

crystal jade steamboat

And we went to have steamboat again! -_-

Cause like for almost everytime I meet her, we will go to have steamboat! Haha!

amelia steamboat

Amelia while she's eating! And she's the one who asked me to take it!

crystal jade steamboat 2

Steamboat over at crystal jade, so-so only I think! Don't have alot of variety!

typicalben side view 2

Didn't took much pictures that day, here's another one of my side view!

jipaban checked top

Wearing this top from Jipaban! You can get it here!
There's another one here too, in different colour and design!

group therapy cafe

Catching up with Esther & Isaac again over at Group Therapy Cafe!

interior designs

typicalben isaac esther

Yeah! The 3 of us!

chili crab pie

Me and Isaac had this chili crab pie!

fillings inside chili crab

The chili crab fillings inside! I think it taste so-so only as well lol!

our bags

Our bags!
