My invisalign journey (Part 2)


Hello peopleeeee!

As I'm blogging this now I'm already on my 3rd set of aligners, going to the 4th already! How fast time flies right! And yes, the picture above is me holding on to my first set of aligners! I'm so superbly happy so I need to take picture with it and show it to you guys! :D

Anyway, at the later part of the entry, there will be FAQ section, answering all the questions that you might have or wanna know about invisalign treatment! But for now, let me continue from where I've left you guys from my previous entry on 'My invisalign journey (Part 1)'.

So after Omni Dental Centre had done with my dental impression, 2 weeks later, I'm asked to head down to see the ClinCheck® which shows how the aligners will move my teeth to the final position!


Dr Loh showing me the video on how the aligners will move my teeth!

Then after that, you will have to accept it or if not, discuss any concern that you might have so they can do changes before they do out the invisalign aligners! Usually there won't be any problems one lah, so I accepted it and waited for another few weeks for the invislign aligners to come!

And when it came (apart from being really excited).....


Dr Loh is helping me to put on the attachments on some of my teeth (in order to hold onto the aligners) which isn't really obvious and also helping me to put it on for the first time!

He's just like a sweet daddy! Totally got the fatherly feel! Hahahahahaha!!

And he makes me feel safe in his hands lor! Which is so important! Plus, I feel even extra safe since Dr Loh has 22 years of experience in Dentistry and further more, he is a Specialist Orthodontist!

Which basically means he is specially trained in this area and knows how to deal with complications! Someone once asks me before whether if GP dentists can treat Invisalign cases as well? Sure they can, if they're Invisalign certified! But if there are any complications and they cannot manage, the patient will still need to be referred to an orthodontist for treatment and then need to pay the orthodontist again which can be a big hassle and waste of time and money!

So I thought it's really nice and safe to know that at Omni Dental Centre, all of them are Specialists and I can have a peace of mind doing the treatment knowing that even if I happened to come across any problems or situation, they can handle them by themselves!

Alright, time for FAQ! But before that a picture of me camwhoring with my aligners again!


Frequently Asked Questions:

- How much does the invisalign treatment cost?

Basically invisalign treatment starts from 6k! And it varies depending on the complexity of the case! So you can actually go for a consultation with the orthodontist and he would advise you on that base on your case.

- I'm still a student, can the treatment be paid by installments?

Yes, they have interest free instalment plans to cater for individual needs! They make it a point where fees will never be a barrier to seeking a perfect smile with them!

- Are we able to do invislign for only the upper teeth or lower teeth?

Yes, you're able to! But it will be more worth it to do both the upper and lower.

- How long does the whole treatment take?

Depends on complexity of the case, it varies from 6 months to 3 years. For mine, cause I've got like 20-21 aligners, so it only takes about 10.5 months! Fast right?!

- Is it painful?

Not at all to me, as I only can feel the pressure! As there's no wires involved, so you don't need to be worried about ulcers which can be super painful and annoying! Also, brushing and floss can be easily since the aligners can be taken out! Can eat anything you like also! Heheheh!

- How do I know whether to choose braces or invisalign?

Depending on what you're looking for, for me I chose invisalign cause I'm vain (don't judge hor! heheh!) and I'm worried braces will look bad on me! But if you're not sure, you can go for a consultation with Dr Loh (my orthodontist) and he would advise you from there, since they provide both the treatment! Consultation fees is at $80 though, but if you decide to take up the treatment, the $80 will be waived!

- Do we need to extract teeth for invisalign treatment?

Depends! But it's pretty rare though, only for some cases only! For mine, I don't have to! And this will all be discussed at the consultation stage in detailed with the orthodontist!

- I still have some other questions, can I ask you?

I might not be the best person to ask since I'm not an orthodontist! You guys can actually give Omni Dental Centre a call at 6737 7375. And if you need, their website here for more instant and better reply!
