Taipei - Taiwan Trip Day 4

(Read the previous Taiwan trip posts here: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3)

Hello!!! I'm back to update on the Taiwan Trip!!!! :D

typicalben in bed at regent taipei hotel

And it's Day 4 now! Had such a great sleep over at Regent Taipei and waking up to this in the morning! Usually we don't wake up so early one, but we are going to have their hotel breakfast! :D

Brasserie regent taipei

Head over to Brasserie for their breakfast!
I heard that the food is really good and it's has even been featured on CNN before!!!

Brasserie regent taipei food 2

Brasserie regent taipei food

There are different selection of food there!! Yums!!

Brasserie regent taipei view

The area where everyone sit and enjoy their breakfast!!!
I really like the place eh, I think I can just totally sit there and do nothing but chill!

Brasserie regent taipei views

The view from where I'm sitting!! So nice right omg!!
It somehow makes me feel very calm and peaceful while I'm having my breakfast!!

Brasserie regent taipei breakfast

Some food that we took for the start!

regent taipei hotel breakfast

And then more food!!!!!

Usually I'll be either lazy or too tired to go for hotel breakfast one, cause I confirm cannot wake up so early! Hellooo the hotel bed so comfy what, cannot blame me!!! But luckily I did went for the breakfast provided by Regent Taipei, because the food was pretty good and the staff there is very nice also! Like will bring you to your table and serve you tea/coffee!! Omg I'm really really missing Taiwan so much!!!

Brasserie regent taipei cakes

Some pretty cakes as we leave the place and back to our room to laze on our bed hehe!

typicalben mirror shot regent taipei hotel

After much lazing on the bed, we finally got up to prepare and head out!!

typicalben mirror reflection regent taipei hotel

Wearing my new long sleeves button shirt from Jipaban for the day!

typicalben randy taiwan regent taipei morning

And we are done!!! Time to head out to Tamsui and Xin Beitou!!

elmo cookie monster umbrella

I think I never show you guys before, but check out my cute umbrella!!

Was raining that day (or actually on most of the days when we were there since it's near monsoon season), so we have to carry umbrella in order not to get drench in the rain!! Very troublesome, hate rainy days!!

typicalbrn with elmo cookie monster umbrella

Me with my act-cute umbrella lol!

tiamsui station

Then we took the metro and arrived at Tamsui!!

tiamsui station raining

We were planning to head over to the Lover's bridge for some chio photo taking but it was raining so heavily when we reached there, that we had to give it a miss! So wasted right!

But we never give up lor, we still hope that the rain will eventually gets lighter or stop so we went to the shopping mall nearby Tamsui but there's nothing much to shop there and when we finished shopping, the rain is still as heavy! Then we decided not to wait anymore and carry on with our plan!!

typicalben at beitou metro station

So we are skipping the Lover's bridge and going to Xin Beitou for hot spring!

taipei colourful metro design

Cute colourful metro in orange!

cute taipei colourful metro design

Another one!!

cute design beitou metro

The interior design of the metro is also different from the usual one that we always took!!

Xin Beitou raining

Searching and walking over to the place where we gonna soak ourselves in hot spring but it was raining so heavily that it really dampens our mood by alot! Cause our shoes are all wet wtf.

taipei public hot spring (wen quan)

While walking and searching the place for hot spring, we saw this!! So cute one them!!!

taipei public hot springs (wen quan)

The heavy rain can't stop them, they just wanna continue soaking their feet lolol!!!

taipei hot spring (wen quan) private hotel

As the rain was too heavy, we just randomly went to one of the hot spring resort there!

taipei private hot spring (wen quan)

We chose the indoor hot spring, which is the private one!
It cost about 1350TWD (SGD $59) for 2 hours!

typicalben at taiwan hot spring (wen quan)

While waiting for the water to be filled up!!

typicalben randy at taipei hot spring (wen quan)

Both of us lololol!

We didn't really enjoy the hot spring leh, maybe the resort is not very good or something? Or maybe we are just not used to it. So in the end, we just keep going in and out of the water to take pictures only haha!!! And by the time we finished taking photos right, just nice 2 hours is also up already lor lol!!

typicalben taipei hot spring (wen quan)

Picture of me soaking in the hot spring!

Tao Ban Wu taipei (陶板屋)

Then it's dinner time!!! Went to Tao Ban Wu (陶板屋) for dinner!!

They have this set meal which I forgotten how many courses there is! I think it's either 7/8 course meal and for that it only cost 499TWD (SGD $22)!!! It's really cheap lor, very worth it I feel!!!

Tao Ban Wu (陶板屋) food

Check it out yoooooooooooo!

main course Tao Ban Wu (陶板屋)

My main course!

Tao Ban Wu (陶板屋) food 2

Quite love their desserts too!

typicalben at Tao Ban Wu (陶板屋)

After finishing the food!! Super full!!

artistic shot at Tao Ban Wu (陶板屋)

Random accidental shot which I think it's quite artistic lol so I just post!

taipei metro ticket

Look! It's something like their standard ticket which I have to buy it to get out from the train station because I don't know why and how that I actually lost my easy card on the way back wtf. -_-

regent taipei hotel at night

Reaching back to our Regent Taipei hotel!!!

shop houses beside regent taipei

Te shop houses beside the hotel!

7-11 taipei buys chips and milk

Went to 7-11 to get some chips, milk and a new easy card!

taipei milk

I love their milk, it's so yummy!!!! Love it!!!

buys from taipei daiso

Oh we also went to their Daiso before heading back to hotel too!

That's pretty much for Day 4! Will blog about Day 5 soon!
Do check back for more k! :D
