Filming over at Genting for Reelity Showdown!

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Yay yay yay!! This post will be filled with many pretty pictures that I took during the 5D4N filming over at Resorts World Genting for!!! First of all, I must say I'm so happy and glad to be part of Reelity Showdown Season 2 again!!! If you guys remember, me and Ran are also part of Season 1 and we are actually...... *clears throat*..... the winner for the last season hor hahahaha!!! :D

(you guys can watch Reelity Showdown Season 1 here if you want!)

Not only that, but I'm also very excited to be able to go back to Genting again, one month after my last trip there where I had so much fun over at their Snow World! And I was just saying the other time that it was alittle bit too short and how I wish to be able to go there again to enjoy more, like eat more of their yummy food and to relax myself! And thanks to the people over at Genting + Nuffnang + ReelityTv for bringing me over again!!! It was really enjoyable and I had loads of fun!!! Let me fill you guys in with pictures k!!!

packing luggage for genting

Packing my luggage for the trip!!!

And guess what?! My Cookie Monster accompanied me over as well! It's super cute right!!!!! (☆▽☆)

Heheh! I bought it few days before the trip only! Super happy!! Hahaha! Okayokay, more of it next time! I scared later I side track too much lolol! Then the next morning, we took the comfy coach early in the morning with the rest of the bloggers together with the filming crew and we finally reached.....

genting outdoor themepark view

Genting Highlands!!!!

Then we came to know that filming only starts tomorrow! Whoohooo!! :X So we can get to rest early for the day! But before that, is dinner first!! As we are all famished from the long ride!

genting typicalben with beatrice

With Beatrice while waiting for our food over at Genting Palace Restaurant!!

genting resturant food day 1

Food came!!!! It was really delicious yum yum!!

genting resturant food my bowl

I remember I finished my rice really fast as I was really hungry lolol!!

typicalben first day genting on the phone

Skyping with mummy and Ran before I go shower and sleep!

genting typicalben skype with family

See the cute mummy and Ran over at Skype hahahaha!!!

genting starbucks

Random: I had Starbucks earlier that day too! Salted caramel latte!

And it's Day 2!!! Filming starts!!!!!

typicalben camwhore at genting outdoor themepark 2

We all woke up early to the outdoor theme park for filming!!

typicalben camwhore at genting outdoor themepark 1

Camwhore shot early in the morning! I think I still look really tired!

genting outdoor themepark

genting outdoor themepark 1

The cute children ferris wheel that we saw on the way!

genting filming pass

Our filming pass!!

typicalben genting filming with beatrice

With Beatrice again, while waiting for the filming crew to set up!!

genting outdoor themepark 4

Never really noticed this before, but the theme park colours is quite pretty isn't it!

all the people at genting outdoor themepark

Group picture with the rest of the bloggers and the contestants!

typicalben camwhore at genting outdoor themepark

Another selca of me before we start filming!!

Overall the filming for the day is pretty fun, cause we get to sit some of the exciting rides while having to complete some "mission" on hand! And here's some of the rides we took:

genting outdoor themepark 3

The pirate ship!!!

spaceshot genting outdoor themepark

And one of my favourite ride of all time over at Genting Theme Park, Space Shot!!!

I love this ride alot and the last time when I came to Genting with my poly mates I took the ride for more than 3 times!!! And Ran also told me he love Space Shot alot too!! I totally agree lor!! It's really fun!!!

typicalben genting space shot

It's my turn to go up!!! Wooohoooo!!!
(Photo grabbed from Jessica)

typicalben camwhore at genting outdoor themepark 3

One more and the it's also the last self shot of the day before wrapping up!! :D

We really had quite alot of fun that day!! And if you guys want to hear all of us screaming our lungs out, do remember to stay tune to watch the videos over at okay!!!

genting outdoor themepark 2

While walking out of the theme park, saw some kids playing at this colourful carousel ride!

genting resturant 1

Went for our late lunch afterwards at Happy Valley Seafood Restaurant, and you can see that is totally empty as they are actually closed and preparing for dinner! It's really sweet for them to wait for us!!

genting resturant food day 2

The fooooooood!!! Got cheesey crab somemore, super love!!!

shopping at genting

After that I went to do some shopping too!! Bought afew tees frm F.O.S!!!

Not only you can eat yummy food, have fun over at the theme park or go to the casino over at Genting! For those who love shopping, there are actually quite alot of shops there for you to shop as well!!!

Then it's dinner time again!!! Omg we like keep on eating there only!!! So awesome!!!

genting resturant 2

Capture this while walking to the restaurant!! Pretty or what!!

genting imperial rama

We are dining over at Imperial Rama, which before that I've already heard alot of the other bloggers telling me that the food that they served there is superbly nice! So I can't wait to try them out!

genting imperial rama food 1

And their food really never disappoint me even when I've quite high expectation of them (after hearing so many good reviews), it's really delicious!!! Looking at it now makes me hungry omgggg!!

genting imperial rama food 2

More of the food that was served!! The below 2 was fried durian and it's... heavenly to be honest!!!!

Then it's Day 3!!! Another day of filming starts!!!!!

typicalben camwhore before filming

Selca of the day!! Early in the morning again!!

camwhore with beatrice while filming

And it's with Beatrice again lololol!! Why I got so many pictures with her one!!!

genting resturant 11

We were at Bubbles & Bites which we will come again for dinner later that night!

genting resturant 3

filming crew behind the scene

The filming crew hard at work! Setting up and getting ready!

typicalben beatrice jessica`

As since we are waiting for time to pass as the filming crew are setting up, we started to camwhore!!

typicalben beatrice jessica` shoot

With Jessica and Beatrice!!!

typicalben candid pouting shot genting

Candid shot of me kinda doing the " grumpy pouting" lolol! I love this shot, super natural!!

typicalben filming over at genting resturant

And the filming starts!!!

typicalben group turn to film

Guess what challenge we are gonna do???

typicalben with contestant filming genting

With my team mate Jayme!

genting resturant 5

Then it's lunch time over at First World Cafe before another filming!!

genting resturant 4

Buffet lunch is awesome!!!

genting resturant 7

genting resturant 6

Had alot of fruits as their fruits are all very fresh!! Love it!!

typicalben filming 1

Then it's filming again!!! I think this episode is really really funny!!

typicalben filming 2

Do remember to watch the videos when it's out! For now I can't reveal much! :p

bubbles and bites menu

Dinner at Bubbles & Bites as mentioned earlier!

genting bubbles & bites food

It's western cuisine this time round!!

m spa genting

After dinner time, we went to pamper ourselves over at M Spa!!
Where I did a full body scrub and massage!! It's really relaxing and good!!
(Photo grabbed from Jessica)

So fast and it's the last 2 days over at Genting!!!

It's pretty much a 'lazing and bumping' around day on the 4th day for me cause the weather was so good there, so it's really nice to sleep in!! I think I slept until late afternoon lor, just in time for dinner lolol!!!

typicalben genting fur top

Playing with Beatrice's furry top and took a picture with it! :B

genting resturant 8

Yes, dinner time at Resort Cafe!!!!!

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It's buffet style again omg! Thanks Genting, you guys really fed us so well!!!

genting resturant 10

typicalben joshua

With Joshua!!

genting filming crew

And everyone involved in the filming (excluding 2 of our blog managers)!!!

genting last day resturant food

The last day! Had a quick lunch at Good friends restaurant and we are back to Singapore!!

Thank you Resorts World Genting for having us and especially me cause I really enjoyed myself this time round and finally had the chance to do what I wanted to do, which is to relax myself (over at the spa) and also able try out all the delicious food that you guys had over there at the various restaurant!!

And since it's the holiday season now right, if you guys are looking for a short getaway, you guys should totally just go over to Genting where they have so many stuff for you to play and have fun with! Especially the awesome cooling weather which I'm sure you guys will love!!!! I super loveeeeeeeeee!!!

Hahahaha!!! Also don't forget to stay tune to for the videos to be out as well!! I think by the time you are reading this, some of the episodes are already out, so go watch k!!!

Okay, that's all from me for now!! Bye and have fun over at Genting!! ;)
