Why the need to Photoshop, why?

A good camera is never enough for awesome pictures!

Well, maybe to some it is.

But to me, the need of photoshop is really important as it enhance your pictures better and make it prettier! For example; if the lighting is really bad, even a good camera (depending on your definition of good, for me, my LX3 is considered as good already) can produce crappy pictures too!

And that's when photoshop comes into help!

I'll once and for all, answer this question on why I always need to edit my pictures, cause people always ask me, why the need of me doing it! Cause everytime, whenever I took loads of pictures and wanted to blog about it, I'll have to spend like one whole freaking day to edit them!

Not just for fun okay? Cause I want them to look good and chio when it's up on my blog!

So when you all view it, it's nice and pretty!

You think I so free meah??? Got nothing better to do then go photoshop my pictures for what?! Of course there's a difference lah! Especially to pictures that are taken under lousy lighting or even not, after photoshopping any pictures, will make it better lah!

Okay, I must well show you all an example right?!

Eh! But this might not be the best example lah, cause I just anyhow choose one picture and then edit! Just want to show you that even anyhow edit also got difference one ah! Okay...


Before Photoshop! Some random Korean dish I had!




And this is... After Photoshop!

See! There's a significant difference right?!!!

The original one, is so yellowish and dull! And it's due to the yellow lighting the restaurant had (Bah! I totally hate yellow lighting, makes us look even more yellow cause we, Chinese are somehow having the yellow skin already! Thus ps-ing it is obviously needed! What are you all thinking?!).

And comparing the 2 pictures together, "Before & After".....


You might think the original one is okay but not after you see the after photoshopped one!

So now if people ask me about why I photoshop my pictures, I can then show them this entry (Heheheh! Though I usually don't reply cause all the questions coming to me are THE SAME! And some I've even blogged about it liao lor, still ask me! You cannot expect me to be replying the same old questions again and again and again right? Wtf?!) and they will see why the need of me doing it!

To those without Photoshop software, what are you guys waiting for? Go get one! :)

p/s: OMG OMG OMG!! I just realise the picture of the "AFTER PHOTOSHOP" one is kinda different from the one on the top and the one below where I put them to compare, if you did realise it! I'm so sorry, my bad! I think I accidentally save the wrong one for one, I think it's the top one!

p/p/s: But whatever right, the main point is not this also, you all get the idea can liao! Though I really feel like re-photoshopping it, I'm such a perfectionist! Hahahahaha!
