My candy phone

Okay, I'm here to show you guys the current state of my phone again!!!!

But it's not really say very current though, cause I just changed my cover again (now I'm using a lime green cover as compared to the bumper you guys will see later)! Hahah! Seriously, the look of my phone is ever changing one okay, I think the frequency of me changing the cover is around every 2 weeks or so!

And I'm showing you people mainly because the other time when I tweeted about my blue screen protector, everyone wants to see pictures of it! Plus, I love my home button now!! :D

Come, let me show you guys......

typicalben cute iphone

Yes this is it! I call it the candy phone for now lol cause the colours like so candylicious!

typicalben phone

Front view!

Basically it's just a orange bumper, with blue glitter screen protector, with a 'eyes sticker' on the home button and some random tiny french fries stickers at the bottom right! Hahahah!

And the 'eyes sticker' is not really meant for home button one, but it fits and it looks really cute!!!

typicalben phone back

Back view!

But I don't really like to use bumper though (I prefer normal cases to it), but that time I was using it plainly because I just wanna show the back of the protector that it's also blue as well, so yea!

blue glitter screen protector typicalben phone

And to show you the glitter/diamond screen!!!

I love glitter or some people called it diamond screen protector, and previously I was already using it but it's the normal clear kind not coloured one! And when I know this blue coloured protector on top of it there's still glitter, I was like....... okay, totally must buy! Hahahaha!!

blue glitter screen protector typicalben

A closer view under the lights!

blue diamond screen protector typicalben

Lol! A even closer one!

blue glitter screen protector back typicalben phone

And actually the back it's also with glitter one! But cannot really see from this picture!

asparagus terrapin on typicalben phone

With the cute lil Asparagus on my phone!!!

asparagus terrapin on typicalben iphone

Anyone (except me) also sees that he is smiling at the camera???! He is right!! HAHA!

terrapin on typicalben phone

Okay, last picture of Asparagus with my phone!

typicalben iphone

That's all! So what do y'all think, do you guys like it or what! :)


Just some random pictures taken...

Note: All pictures below this entry are taken by my iPhone.

chio shot by typicalben 2

If you see clearly, it's a double rainbow! :)

chio shot by typicalben 4

chio shot by typicalben 3

chio shot by typicalben

On daddy's cab!

chio shot by typicalben 5


Family photo on CNY!

Hello!!! Show you guys a family photo that we took during cny!!!

typicalben family photo full body shot

First day of cny, before we head out for visiting!

mum & dad cny typicalben

Mum & dad!

typicalben family photo close up

Another one, a close up of us! I so love it!

Note: All pictures below this entry are taken by my iPhone.

playing tiny monopoly

Went to grandma's place for first round of reunion dinner and after eating,
me and ran played the mini monopoly with our lil cousins!

lucas typicalben

You see this naughty Lucas! Wearing my grandma's heels and he's playing with phone!

simple reunion dinner typicalben

Second round of reunion dinner at home!
It was loved, cause we rarely get the chance to sit together and eat together!

cass daryl

Okay, back to the first day of cny! With cousin Cass and Drayl!

typicalben with pris

With Pris cousin! She recently just went to put on braces!

cny dim sum typicalben

Second day of cny! Dim sum at revolving restaurant which I dread!
Cause have to wake up so early just to go there to eat, not like the food is amazing either!

typicalben with cousins

Some pictures with our cousins!

typicalben cny day 2 outfit

My simple outfit for that day! I wonder who still dress up for cny, it's just like any other normal day lor!
Anyway, it's a candid shot taken by Ran while I was adjusting myself hahaha!

randy typicalben cny

With Ran! And some lion dance's dancer lol!

typicalben randy cny

Another full shot of us outside the restaurant!

After that, we went for some visiting and then went one of our cousin's house (Bing Hong), and he asked me whether I want to have Yaklut not? So I said yes, and when he bring it to me it's like this......

yakult with alot of straws

LOLOLOL! Wtf right? He's mad one and I really tried to drink from all of the straws!!! Hahaha!

typicalben with grandma

Last picture to end it off with my grandma (maternal side)! Love her to bits!!!!


Christmas Celebration 2011

I know I'm super late on blogging about this (don't know how many times I've been saying this), but I guess it should be normal for you guys to hear it already right? Hahahah! So anyway, meet up with bffs, Fingers for our usual Christmas gathering last year lol and we wanted to find somewhere not so crowded (I hate crowded place) and luckily the place we went is pretty much 'peaceful'. Really not much people!

So we went Esplanade for our dinner and to chill there, plus to countdown together!!

fingers xmas celebration at esplanade

And candid shot I took of them which turns out to be so pretty!

typicalben with food christmas celebration

Me with my food!!!

Okay lah, shall show you guys some of the food that we had.......

food esplanade typicalben

food at esplanade typicalben

Okayzzz, no more pictures of food cause I'm getting super hungry now (4am now)!!!

angie typicalben


christmas celebration at esplanade typicalben

And we moved over to another area to have drinks and snack while we chill!

christmas celeb at esplanade typicalben

xmas celebration at esplanade typicalben

Pretty righttttttt!

fingers christmas chilling

Another candid picture of them!

fingers typicalben xmas

3 vs 2!

zj typicalben ting

Me with Zj & Ting!

zj typicalben

Love this picture with Zj!!

fingers esplanade celeb

typicalben xmas

And yea, me.

typicalben hair christmas

My hair that time, kinda miss the colour though!

typicalben polaroid

Took some polaroids as well!

typicalben polaroid xmas

fingers typicalben

A group picture from the down view! Muhahaha!!

And actually before our dinner, while we were waiting for Zj to arrive....

angie ting kx

We went to write wishes on this huge ball! The girls with it!

esplanade wishes

While writing it....

ting's shoe

Lol randomly took a picture of Ting's shoes!

typicalben with ball filled with wishes

And all our wishes are on it!!!!!

fingers with ball filled with wishes

Group picture with it!!!

I totally love simple celebration like this, especially with them! :)

