My 2010 mini recap!

So I decided to do a mini recap of what I've done for this year, 2010!

You know, just some stuff that I remember....


Had the biggest and most memorable
21st birthday party,
where I invited people that plays an important role in my 21 years of life!

Blogged about some
relationship issues, which cause one of my friend in my poly clique having the thought that I'm saying about her in the entry. And causes me to lose a friend.

Deleted (and still deleting) unknown people in my personal Facebook acoount,
created a Facebook page instead!


Changed to another
pretty orange camera!
Which I love it alot and been using it for close to a year already!

Rank above
typical on Google! Hahahaha!

Changed to a new layout for my blog!
Something more simple and with
huge big ass pictures!

Fainted for the first time in my life, and I thought I was dying or already dead at that point of time!


Being one of the
Digital Ambassador for HPB's Live It Up Without Lighting Up 2010 campaign
and lead my followers for a
flash mob event at Ochard Road!

Involved in
NDP this year in the mobile column sector!
And saw a
unflattering picture of myself taken by the NDP peeps on Facebook!


Bought a
LV bag for mummy, as her birthday present!


Dyed my hair even though I'm in the army!

Injured myself during outfield, which causes a scar now!
First time in my life where I'm being injured till so bad!


Traveled to Hong Kong, Batam, Malacca, Genting and KL!
And this year, I finally
lose my virginity for plane ride, when I travel to Hong Kong!

Changed 4 army phones this year (nokia e51/htc snap/htc touch),
and finally using a
Blackberry Bold 9000 (non-camera version) now!

Did a number of
awesome advertorials where I get to experience different stuff and attending various events!
Also getting various sponsorship, like hair and waxing!


Got invited to give a talk over at the
Youth Marketing Asia Conference 2010!
Where I talk about myself and youth trends to executives/directors of various companies!

It's been really fast, and I still cannot believe that this year is coming to an end already!

But actually I can say that I'm really looking forward to next year (finally going to ord already! yay!), cause I'm sure it will be a even better year for you and me!

And as you people are reading this now, I'm actually doing duty protecting the skies while you guys enjoy and celebrate! So just enjoy and have fun! Happy new year to all those that have been with me all these while, I'm really glad that I've got you guys and you people really keep me going!

Thanks and many many loves!


Hong Kong Trip'10 (Part One)

Yay! I'm finally gonna blog about this Hong Kong trip I went, way back in June!

Well, I took quite a number of pictures this time round, about 3k!

So I think I'm going to split the whole trip up to maybe 2-3 parts to blog, if not I think I'll just die from editing, uploading and arranging the pictures here! Hahahahaha!

Yea, so I went Hong Kong for 5D4N with (my love) Fingers!

We are all very excited and looking forward to this trip, cause it's our first time going overseas together, even though we knew each other for like so long already!


Our passport! Still loving my orange passport holder!


First time on the plane!

I know this may seems shocking to most of you people, cause almost everyone don't believe me when I say I didn't actually been on a plane before! But indeed this is the very first time that I actually get on a airplane, after 21 years of my life!!! Make me sound so sua ku! :(

But because I don't come from a rich family, so I don't get the privilege to travel overseas when I was a kid! But now, at least I'm using my own money to travel! And it feels even better this way and it's something I can be proud of which those rich ass kid can't!

Yah yah, say I'm jealous... Fuckoff!


Sitting beside Angie on the plane!


Random stuff inside my bag!


Show you all my pretty organiser book from kikki.K, a gift from my friend!


Got pretty stickers inside too, which I don't even bear to use them!



Love all the fluffy clouds! So pretty! :)

And after hours of boring journey, we finally reach.....


HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello, all of you in red!


Saw my yellow luggage?! Hahahahah!

And now I totally regret buying it cause after buying it right, I see many other luggage that are in orange colour which is much more nicer and prettier than what I've bought!! Damnit!!


Camwhore! Looking tired after the plane ride!


We paid for the hotel coach to send us straight to the hotel!

I wonder who will be so crazy to take public transport to the hotel lor!

Have to lug your huge luggage up and down the stairs/escalator and also up the public transport is crazy! Sometimes really I wonder why people just wanna save that little bit of money, and yet causes much more inconvenience to themselves lor! Think about it!


And we are the only one on the coach! Hahahaha!


We then went to have our lunch while waiting for our room to be ready!

Cause we kinda reached too early, so the room isn't ready yet!

Then we left our luggage over at the hotel and then decided to roam around and find something to eat for lunch as we are all famished as well! Hahahahaha!



Many many shop houses!


Their apartments reminds me of those hk police movies/dramas!

Where those drug traffickers will hide in those apartments and stuff!

Right right right? Hahahahhaa! Okay lah, so we ended up eating over a noodle restaurant beside all the shop houses! And it was surprisingly good! Really yummy!




Of course, my picture will have to be bigger! Hahahaha!


My noodles! I remember there's pork in there!


Zj showing me a really longgggggg bean sprout in his bowl of noodles!

Then we decided to head back to our hotel to check in!

Cause we need freshen up alil after the ride! And that's when we realise we forgotten the way back and thus, we try our luck walking around figuring out which way back!


Apparently our hotel is so freaking near Tsim Sha Tsui station!

Yet we didn't know (I even snap this picture lor)!!!!

We were so near yet so far, we just need to cross one street from our hotel then is Tsim Sha Tsui station already lor! And I think we went a detour round to another side, to don't know where! Hahahaha! But at least we got to walk around and look at all the stuff lah!


It's just like Singapore, busy streets!

Then we came across their posting boxes!

And obviously we gotta take pictures with it! Hahahahahahaha!


Zj & Angie!


Kx, me & Ting!


So cute right their stamps machine!


Ang mor digging his nose! No wonder nobody goes into that restaurant!


Aunty cleaning the rubbish bin, in purple!


Waiting to cross the road back to hotel!

Yea, we eventually went to ask some random strangers on the streets the way back to our hotel, cause we don't wanna roam around any further! Tiring eh!


Took this picture as it reminds of my Stefanie Sun in the SK Jewelery's commercial!


Their design of the.. pushbutton to activate the traffic light(?) is pretty cool!
I like it more than Singapore's one!

Show you our hotel room!!!!!!!!!

But I didn't take proper pictures of it, so some doesn't really do justice to it!


Living room! Which is much more spacious than it seems!




Studyroom! Where we use to throw our smelly shoes here!


The toilet!


Hahaha! Did one camwhore shot on the bed before leaving! :)

The hotel room looks big right? Cause we booked a family suite!

And we didn't regret booking this hotel because it's saturated at a pretty central area (cross one road is Tsim Sha Tsui station already leh), and there's really alot of thing around there!

Pretty convenient and accessible!


Octopus card! Bought it over at the airport!


We then took the train from Tsim Sha Tsui....


To Mong Kok, for shopping!!!!!!!

There's really so much to shop there and one of the place where the 3 girls actually went there day after day and spending hours there is Argyle Centre (alot of people shop there)!

But I don't really see much stuff there which I like though!


Zj help me to take this picture while the girls are behind me shopping!


The shops in Argyle Centre sells pretty cheap stuff! It's like Bugis Street!


Vitamin water which is now selling in Singapore!

But it still wasn't when we were there! So I thought I gotta take picture and show you all but I'm so slow in blogging them up, now it's selling in Singapore already lor! Booooooooooo!


Hahaha! Pretending to test it out!

While shopping right, I then saw alot and I mean ALOT of people eating this...


Eating something from a clear plastic bag with 2 satay stick!


Then I found out where is it from! See the long queue!


Apparently, it's some cold noodles or something like that?

I'm not really sure cause I didn't get to try it out, which I also don't know why I didn't went to buy and eat it that time! But it don't seems to be nice and looks really unappealing?

I'm not sure! Anyone here eat it before?


Me & Zj decided to go outside to look around while waiting for them to be done!


Huge Bojour store nearby!


Shops opposite Argyle Centre!


Then, camwhore! This is candid one though!


Omg! I shouldn't have take pictures with those hideous plastic bags! =/


Love this one the most! Candid one too!


Took one for Zj as well! Hahahaha! He didn't know when I'm taking it!



Heading over to Ladies' Street after that!


We bought Happy Lemon! Which is also not available in Singapore at that time!


Playing with the telephone booth there!


They look really happy in this picture!



Took this picture because of.. yes, the orange bin! Hahahaha!

After shopping over at ladies street right (which I didn't edit any of the pictures taken there), we thought of, why not just go over to Temple Street as well, which is known as Men's Street!


Waiting for the train! Hahaha! So cute right!!


Me & Zj in the train!


Me me meeeeeeeee!!!


And another one! :B


Reached Jordan! Men's street here we comeeeeeee!




Pretty colourful lights, lighting up their streets!



FA FA FA!!!!!


Men's street is totally boring!

I feel that it's worse than ladies street, so don't really bother going at all!

There's really nothing to buy there one lor! We bought more stuff over at ladies street than men's street! But we just wanted to go and check it out, at least we did went there before! But those who don't have alot of time to spend over at Hong Kong, then don't waste time to go there!


But there's still quite a number of people there lah!



A mobile icecream van!!!!


Went over to buy immediately! Hahahaha!



Gotten the cone one! Yay!


Angie also went to take picture with the van!


While walking, I saw this shop selling porn av video!


Then we head back to the hotel after a long long day!


Bought some chips back too! Love the cheese flavour!


And some other food, like sushi etc.


After that, is sleeping time! Zzzzzzz....

Yay! That's all for now! Part Two will be up soon! :)

It's been so long since I've blogged such a long entry and I'm loving it! Did it bring back some memories of how I used to blog last time? Hahahaha!
