Shorty shorty short!

Alright! I'm back at home now!


Today we're having some sort of like cohesion thingy where we go out with our commanders and our fellow mates to have fun! We went for sushi buffet (ate lots of fresh oyster!!) then lan gaming which sucks cause they played CS!

It's sort of like bonding for the all of us lah!

Well, booking in back to camp in like an hour time! Zzzzzzz!

Anyhow, was thinking about some stuff and random thoughts just came to me thus I've decided to blog it down (but I don't think I've the time to blog it down already, so next entry instead okayyy?)!

Since I also haven't really blog properly for so long already!

I really want and hope to have like maybe few hours daily catered solely for me to pen down what I wanna say and thoughts that I'm thinking that day! Which is pretty impossible cause I'll be in camp for like 5 days a week? :(

Weekends, I'll most likely be hanging out with my love ones or attending events (which I've been going for for past few weeks) and thus really got no time to really blog what I want to blog! Pretty sucked!

Okay, I don't know what I'm talking about...

But I'm not and never going to let my blog be dead (though it's pretty much dead now!) just because of having to serve the nation!

That's the promise I made to myself, so I'm really trying!

So you all also cannot leave me okay? Do come back daily cause I might just surprise you with updates! Just like this one! Ha!

And and and, I know you all still love me! YAY! :D

Hao de! Gonna prepare and book in now! Kuuu Biee!


I do love Singapore!

I always feel very annoyed and pissed off with people, especially Singaporeans, who says they hate Singapore for whatever reasons and wanted to migrate to other country when they get older or something.

Like what's wrong with them seriously?

Okay, I'm not sounding patriotic here but I do think Singapore is really a nice place and they should be proud of our country! Should at least feel lucky that they're born here, in a country, where it's peaceful and safe.

I don't know, but I always feel very touched whenever I watch NDP (Seeing our country come so far and developed till this stage makes me so proud!).

Which I know many people don't!

And when I told my friends that I felt pretty emotional when watching NDP right, they'll always scold me, 'siao'. Zzzzzzz...

But but but....

Some of my friends do agree with me on a point that Singapore is somewhat a very nice place a go for holidays for people from other countries!

Cause with us being a multi-religious country, people can then find a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, arts and architecture here! The rich culture here is really hard to find it other countries!

And I thought since most of the people already know Singapore for the good food + the great shopping places that we have....

We ought to plan something special!

If I've like friends from overseas coming here, I'll bring them to places where they never been before.. not the typical, Orchard Road etc.

I'll bring them to:

1. NEWater Visitor Centre



2. Forest Adventure

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Photo Gallery (83)

3. Holland Village



4. Turf Club

Singapore Turf Club

5. HortPark


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6. Lau Pa Sat



Indulge in the Uniquely Singapore experience! :)

p/s: Pictures credits to whoever who took it!


It’s Krrunch Time, Get Playful!

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Yup! Was invited to the Nuffnang Blog Awards! :)

And hope to see all of you there on the day itself! Loves ❤!
